
dagster.repository RepositoryDefinition[source]

Create a repository from the decorated function.

The decorated function should take no arguments and its return value should one of:

1. List[Union[JobDefinition, PipelineDefinition, PartitionSetDefinition, ScheduleDefinition, SensorDefinition]]. Use this form when you have no need to lazy load pipelines or other definitions. This is the typical use case.

  1. A dict of the form:

    'jobs': Dict[str, Callable[[], JobDefinition]],
    'pipelines': Dict[str, Callable[[], PipelineDefinition]],
    'partition_sets': Dict[str, Callable[[], PartitionSetDefinition]],
    'schedules': Dict[str, Callable[[], ScheduleDefinition]]
    'sensors': Dict[str, Callable[[], SensorDefinition]]

This form is intended to allow definitions to be created lazily when accessed by name, which can be helpful for performance when there are many definitions in a repository, or when constructing the definitions is costly.

3. A RepositoryData. Return this object if you need fine-grained control over the construction and indexing of definitions within the repository, e.g., to create definitions dynamically from .yaml files in a directory.

  • name (Optional[str]) – The name of the repository. Defaults to the name of the decorated function.

  • description (Optional[str]) – A string description of the repository.


# A simple repository using the first form of the decorated function

@op(config_schema={n: Field(Int)})
def return_n(context):
    return context.op_config['n']

def simple_job():

def some_job():

def some_sensor():
    if foo():
        yield RunRequest(
            run_key= ...,
                'ops': {'return_n': {'config': {'n': bar()}}}

def my_job():

my_schedule = ScheduleDefinition(cron_schedule="0 0 * * *", job=my_job)

def simple_repository():
    return [simple_job, some_sensor, my_schedule]

# A lazy-loaded repository

def make_expensive_job():
    def expensive_job():
        for i in range(10000):

    return expensive_job

def make_expensive_schedule():
    def other_expensive_job():
        for i in range(11000):

    return ScheduleDefinition(cron_schedule="0 0 * * *", job=other_expensive_job)

def lazy_loaded_repository():
    return {
        'jobs': {'expensive_job': make_expensive_job},
        'schedules': {'expensive_schedule: make_expensive_schedule}

# A complex repository that lazily constructs jobs from a directory
# of files in a bespoke YAML format

class ComplexRepositoryData(RepositoryData):
    def __init__(self, yaml_directory):
        self._yaml_directory = yaml_directory

    def get_all_pipelines(self):
        return [
            for file_name in os.listdir(self._yaml_directory)


def complex_repository():
    return ComplexRepositoryData('some_directory')
class dagster.RepositoryDefinition(name, repository_data, description=None)[source]

Define a repository that contains a group of definitions.

Users should typically not create objects of this class directly. Instead, use the @repository() decorator.

  • name (str) – The name of the repository.

  • repository_data (RepositoryData) – Contains the definitions making up the repository.

  • description (Optional[str]) – A string description of the repository.


Return all jobs in the repository as a list.

Note that this will construct any job in the lazily evaluated dictionary that has not yet been constructed.


All jobs in the repository.

Return type



Get a job by name.

If this job is present in the lazily evaluated dictionary passed to the constructor, but has not yet been constructed, only this job is constructed, and will be cached for future calls.


name (str) – Name of the job to retrieve.


The job definition corresponding to the given name.

Return type



Check if a job with a given name is present in the repository.


name (str) – The name of the job.



property job_names

Names of all jobs in the repository



class dagster.RepositoryData[source]

Users should usually rely on the @repository decorator to create new repositories, which will in turn call the static constructors on this class. However, users may subclass RepositoryData for fine-grained control over access to and lazy creation of repository members.