Celery (dagster-celery)


To get a local rabbitmq broker started and available via the default pyamqp://guest@localhost:5672, in the dagster/python_modules/libraries/dagster-celery/ directory run:

docker-compose up

To run a celery worker:

celery -A dagster_celery.app worker -l info

To start multiple workers in the background, run:

celery multi start w2 -A dagster_celery.app -l info

To execute a job using the celery-backed executor, you’ll need to set the job’s executor_def to the celery_executor.

from dagster import job
from dagster_celery import celery_executor

def my_job():

Monitoring your Celery tasks

We advise using [Flower](https://celery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide/monitoring.html#flower-real-time-celery-web-monitor):

celery -A dagster_celery.app flower

Customizing the Celery broker, backend, and other app configuration

By default this will use amqp://guest:**@localhost:5672// as the Celery broker URL and rpc:// as the results backend. In production, you will want to change these values. Pending the introduction of a dagster_celery CLI, that would entail writing a Python module my_module as follows:

from celery import Celery

from dagster_celery.tasks import create_task

app = Celery('dagster', broker_url='some://custom@value', ...)

execute_plan = create_task(app)

if __name__ == '__main__':

You can then run the celery worker using:

celery -A my_module worker --loglevel=info

This customization mechanism is used to implement dagster_celery_k8s and dagster_celery_k8s which delegate the execution of steps to ephemeral kubernetes pods and docker containers, respectively.

Celery best practices

Celery is a rich and full-featured system. We’ve found the following resources helpful:


dagster_celery.celery_executor ExecutorDefinition[source]

Config Schema:
broker (Union[dagster.StringSource, None], optional)

The URL of the Celery broker. Default: ‘pyamqp://guest@{os.getenv(‘DAGSTER_CELERY_BROKER_HOST’,’localhost’)}//’.

backend (Union[dagster.StringSource, None], optional)

The URL of the Celery results backend. Default: ‘rpc://’.

Default Value: ‘rpc://’

include (List[String], optional)

List of modules every worker should import

config_source (Union[permissive dict, None], optional)

Additional settings for the Celery app.

retries (selector, optional)
Default Value:
    "enabled": {}
Config Schema:
enabled (strict dict, optional)
Default Value:
disabled (strict dict, optional)
Default Value:

Celery-based executor.

The Celery executor exposes config settings for the underlying Celery app under the config_source key. This config corresponds to the “new lowercase settings” introduced in Celery version 4.0 and the object constructed from config will be passed to the celery.Celery constructor as its config_source argument. (See https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/configuration.html for details.)

The executor also exposes the broker, backend, and include arguments to the celery.Celery constructor.

In the most common case, you may want to modify the broker and backend (e.g., to use Redis instead of RabbitMQ). We expect that config_source will be less frequently modified, but that when solid executions are especially fast or slow, or when there are different requirements around idempotence or retry, it may make sense to execute jobs with variations on these settings.

To use the celery_executor, set it as the executor_def when defining a job:

from dagster import job
from dagster_celery import celery_executor

def celery_enabled_job():

Then you can configure the executor as follows:

    broker: 'pyamqp://guest@localhost//'  # Optional[str]: The URL of the Celery broker
    backend: 'rpc://' # Optional[str]: The URL of the Celery results backend
    include: ['my_module'] # Optional[List[str]]: Modules every worker should import
    config_source: # Dict[str, Any]: Any additional parameters to pass to the
        #...       # Celery workers. This dict will be passed as the `config_source`
        #...       # argument of celery.Celery().

Note that the YAML you provide here must align with the configuration with which the Celery workers on which you hope to run were started. If, for example, you point the executor at a different broker than the one your workers are listening to, the workers will never be able to pick up tasks for execution.


The dagster-celery CLI lets you start, monitor, and terminate workers.

dagster-celery worker start

Start a dagster celery worker.

dagster-celery worker start [OPTIONS] [ADDITIONAL_ARGS]...


-n, --name <name>

The name of the worker. Defaults to a unique name prefixed with “dagster-” and ending with the hostname.

-y, --config-yaml <config_yaml>

Specify the path to a config YAML file with options for the worker. This is the same config block that you provide to dagster_celery.celery_executor when configuring a job for execution with Celery, with, e.g., the URL of the broker to use.

-q, --queue <queue>

Names of the queues on which this worker should listen for tasks. Provide multiple -q arguments to specify multiple queues. Note that each celery worker may listen on no more than four queues.

-d, --background

Set this flag to run the worker in the background.

-i, --includes <includes>

Python modules the worker should import. Provide multiple -i arguments to specify multiple modules.

-l, --loglevel <loglevel>

Log level for the worker.

-A, --app <app>



Optional argument(s)

dagster-celery worker list

List running dagster-celery workers. Note that we use the broker to contact the workers.

dagster-celery worker list [OPTIONS]


-y, --config-yaml <config_yaml>

Specify the path to a config YAML file with options for the workers you are trying to manage. This is the same config block that you provide to dagster_celery.celery_executor when configuring a job for execution with Celery, with, e.g., the URL of the broker to use. Without this config file, you will not be able to find your workers (since the CLI won’t know how to reach the broker).

dagster-celery worker terminate

Shut down dagster-celery workers. Note that we use the broker to send signals to the workers to terminate – if the broker is not running, this command is a no-op. Provide the argument NAME to terminate a specific worker by name.

dagster-celery worker terminate [OPTIONS] [NAME]


-a, --all

Set this flag to terminate all running workers.

-y, --config-yaml <config_yaml>

Specify the path to a config YAML file with options for the workers you are trying to manage. This is the same config block that you provide to dagster_celery.celery_executor when configuring a job for execution with Celery, with, e.g., the URL of the broker to use. Without this config file, you will not be able to terminate your workers (since the CLI won’t know how to reach the broker).



Optional argument